Anaheim Cataract Surgery Center
Atlantis Eyecare is a leading cataract facility, delivering our high quality cataract surgeries and LASIK vision correction procedures in the city of Anaheim and surrounding areas. We have one of the most state-of-the art eyecare facilities in Anaheim that allows us to perform the latest eye care techniques. Housing some of the best eye doctors Anaheim has to offer, they are among the most qualified vision correction specialists you could find, each one with extensive experience and unparalleled competence to get you the best results possible. All of our doctors have travelled abundantly to educate other South Bay, Bay Area & Orange County eye doctors on their innovative breakthroughs in the ocular health practice. Please schedule your cataract consultation with our most qualified cataract surgeons
Schedule Your Cataract Consultation
Understanding Cataract Surgery
Explaining the Advanced Cataract Surgery Recommendation
Shedding Light on Cataracts
You are likely here because you have noticed:
- Cloudy, fuzzy, foggy, or filmy vision
- Changes in the perception of colors
- Problems driving at night because headlights seem too bright
- Problems with glare from lamps or the sun
- Frequent changes in your eyeglass prescription
- Double vision
It’s not only your vision that is affected by a cataract, but also your ability to interact with the world around you.
A cataract is a result of a natural change to the lens inside of your eye. This change causes gradual clouding to the lens, making vision less sharp over time.
Left untreated, cataracts have the potential to cause complete loss of vision. Cataract surgery (removing the lens) is the only treatment for cataracts. The surgery is a safe and simple out-patient procedure that can change the way you see the world.
During cataract surgery your natural lens is removed and an intraocular lens (IOL) is put in its place.
The only permanent treatment is cataract surgery. Each year, more than 14 million people have the procedure worldwide and it is the most commonly performed surgical procedure in the United States. Cataract surgery is also one of the safest and most effective procedures performed today.
During your cataract evaluation appointment, your doctor will determine if cataracts are impairing your vision enough where cataract surgery is recommended. Our staff will also review lens options best suited for your needs and lifestyle. We recommend that you have a family member or friend present during your appointment to help you when considering your cataract surgery options.
Schedule Your Cataract Consultation
Lens Options
We offer advanced options of IOL’s to meet your individual lifestyle needs.
Monofocal IOL: A single vision IOL that will restore good functional distance vision. There is a very high likelihood that glasses will be needed for near vision activities such as reading, applying makeup, shaving and using a computer. If you have a corneal astigmatism, you may still need glasses for distance as well as near. “Standard” or monofocal IOLs eliminate cataract problems and provide clear vision at a single distance.
Multifocal and Accommodating IOL’s: These lenses are designed to provide you with a full range of vision – near, intermediate and distance. The goal of these IOLs is to minimize your dependence on glasses for most activities.
Toric IOL: A toric IOL corrects existing corneal astigmatism. This lens is similar to a monofocal IOL, giving patients quality distance vision, but a need for glasses for near activities such as reading and computer work.
Schedule Your Cataract Consultation
How to Choose?
So, how do you and your doctor decide which type of IOL is best suited for your needs? While the characteristics of your eyes certainly play a critical role in lens selection, it’s just as important to consider your lifestyle and the role vision plays in the activities you enjoy.
Here are a few important things to think about:
- How important is night vision to your lifestyle?
- Do you have astigmatism?
- What kind of cost and insurance considerations do you have?
- Would you like to have the least dependence on glasses after your surgery?
- What type of hobbies do you enjoy? Travel, sports, enjoying the outside?
Talk to your doctor, consider the options and select wisely – you have one chance to choose the IOL that will change the way you see the world!
Schedule Your Cataract Consultation
Cataract Surgery FAQs
Is a cataract a film over my eyes?
A cataract is a clouding of the natural lens “inside” your eye. This clouding causes vision to be less sharp. People tend to feel the need to constantly clean their glasses. The only treatment for cataracts is to remove the cataract (your natural lens) and replace it with an artificial intraocular lens (IOL).
When is the best time to have a cataract removed?
In the past, doctors had patients wait until a cataract became fully opaque or “ripe” before removing it. Today, cataract surgery is a routine procedure that can be performed as soon as your vision interferes with the quality of your life.
What happens if cataracts go untreated?
Over time the clouded areas of your lens can become larger and denser, causing your sight to become worse. This could take anywhere from a few months to many years. Eventually, your entire lens can cloud over and cause blindness.
Can cataracts come back?
Once a cataract has been removed it cannot return. However, over time, patients may complain of symptoms similar to when their cataract developed. This common condition can be easily treated with a simple in-office laser procedure.
Do I need an intraocular lens (IOL)?
Your natural lens is partially responsible for providing your vision. When that lens is removed, the only way to restore that vision is to replace it with an IOL.
How much does an IOL cost?
A Monofocal IOL is covered by most insurance companies. However, Multifocal, Accommodating and Toric IOLs are considered elective, therefore there will be an additional cost if you were to choose one of these type of lenses. This cost is in addition to any co-payments or deductibles your insurance plan has for the procedure itself.
Schedule Your Cataract Consultation
Appointment Check List:
- Bring a family member to join you for the visit.
- Fill out the enclosed forms.
- Bring current primary and any secondary insurance card(s).
- Bring referral from your insurance, if your insurance requires one.
- Bring a photo ID.
- Bring a list of current medications, including eye medications and vitamins. (If you have trouble reading the prescription labels, please bring actual medications and bottles with you).
- Bring all current eye glasses (even if they are broken).
- You will be DILATED. If you are unable to have a family member with you during your appointment, please arrange for someone to drive you home.
- Your Cataract Evaluation visit will be a 2-3 hour visit.
- Please arrive 15 minutes early for your appointment.
- Bring your calendar / planner to assist with scheduling of any possible future appointments.
Schedule Your Cataract Consultation
Eye care services
With our cutting edge technology here at our Anaheim location, we are allowed to stay up-to-date on the latest eye care procedures and methods of vision preservation. We provide routine eye exams and prescriptions, but we also provide an assortment of surgical vision correction procedures, including:
Cataract surgery in Anaheim
Cataracts can cloud your lens, which can lead to blindness and should not be taken lightly. With a team of top cataract surgeons in Anaheim, Atlantis Eyecare offers some of the most effective cataract surgery around. Some of the best ways to prevent cataracts is by keeping up with your regular eye exams. This allows your ophthalmologist to keep steady records of your vision health and provide proper preventative & maintenance care for your eyes.
Our Anaheim LASIK procedure fixes eyesight and frees patients from the burdens of glasses or contacts. It is one of the most popular of all medical procedures, and has helped innumerable people attain perfect vision. Our surgeons deliver this LASIK safely to our Anaheim patients, rapidly and with minimal downtime. For some of the best results from LASIK patients can rely on, visit our Anaheim optometry center.
Best Dry Eyes Treatment
Dry eyes is one of the most common eye disorders to affect the residents of Anaheim. This is why we offer some of the most comprehensive dry eyes treatment can lay claim to. Learn more about how you can manage your dry eyes by scheduling an appointment with one of our Anaheim optometrists.
Cosmetic Eye Surgery
Our eye surgeons are additionally trained in cosmetic eye procedures. They are able to remove excess skin or fat in the eyelids, restoring a more youthful appearance. This rejuvenating eye procedure is most often referred to as a blepharoplasty in Anaheim.
Glaucoma treatment
The eye doctors at Atlantis Eyecare Anaheim are leaders in glaucoma treatment. They are competent in all methods of restoring the optic nerve to its full function and handling glaucoma. Glaucoma is often referred to as the "silent disease" because of its inability to be diagnosed without a comprehensive eye exam by a certified professional optometrist. If you go years without an eye exam, you could be developing glaucoma without even realizing, so be sure to stay on top of your eye health and get some of the best glaucoma treatment at Atlantis Eyecare's Anaheim location.
Anaheim Cataract Center
947 S. Anaheim Blvd., Suite 120
Anaheim, CA 92805
Phone: 714-991-4100
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