Cataract Surgery Orange County
90% of the patients who have had cataract surgery enjoy improved vision. Many patients find that their vision improvement begins immediately and they can often resume normal activities within hours after surgery.
Some find their vision better than ever after cataract surgery, while others may need to wear glasses for reading (known as Presbyopia) and other activities.
During the initial healing period after cataract surgery, there may be a few limitations on strenuous activities, but most people can return to normal life quickly. They are surprised to find that they can also engage in activities that were once off-limits due to cataracts, such as reading and social activities.
If you choose to have an intraocular lens implanted, you will have the benefit of improved distance and near vision. This lens will further reduce your dependency on glasses. Our cataract specialists can help you determine if you are a candidate for the procedure.
Make sure you discuss cataract surgery in detail with your doctor and get all of your questions answered. At Atlantis Eyecare, we have a team of experienced surgeons offering some of the best cataract surgery Orange County has to offer. Our cataract specialists will ensure you fully understand your options for cataract surgery.